Sunday, November 19, 2006


The Proposal considers the concept of a Wetland City. Designed as a hybrid between land and the sea, the city would accomodate flooding and be transformed by the new presence of water.

Although areas at risk to flooding due to global warming have been identified, the proposal could be set in a number of coastal cities or shores to other bodies of water. A site with a similar topography would be most favorable but with manmade on-site construction, the concept can be carried to almost any location.

The sketch below (My apologies for its distortion due to blogger) illustrates the land continues that dictate the need for a particular topography. A number of sketches and study were done to determine the best topography for flood control. The topography allows for the development of early wetlands and beginner flooding and accomodates the increase in water.


High Density, Compact

Integrated Green space
Central Transportation & Communication Hub
Redefined yet maintained during flooding
Pedestrian friendly

In the images, orange represents the transportation and yellow represents the housing and mixed use development.



I am experimentING with several advanced modeling tools but forsee the use of the cloning tool once the project is developed into more specific detail. Right now the use of FormZ is more hindering to the development of my project than it is aiding in the design. Full reliance on technology seems to strip away at the development process, and the continued frustrations kill the momentum of the design. I'm not designing for the project; I'm designing for FormZ. As far as the final critique, I would like to present with display boards to a group of reviewers. Blogger is not always reliable and inhibits our way of presenting.


Melissa said...

Hey Jill,

I really like the idea that the water transforms the city into something new. It would be cool if you could really run with that. I don't really understand the sketch (first image) very well. I think I know what you mean from talking to you, but maybe you could have a conceptual diagram or sketch that explains it a little more clearly?

You might already be doing this - it's a little hard to tell from the angle of your animation - but it would be interesting to have flexible transportation paths - maybe the water changes the paths and traffic of the city in some way.

Anyway, keep on truckin'.

rael said...

Rebooting the Ecosystem from Wired