Thursday, August 31, 2006

Atlantropa = Europe + Africa

In the 1930s, Herman Sörgel proposed the largest technical utopia of the 20th century. The proposal included a partial dewatering of the Mediterranean and the construction of an embankment to connect Europe and Africa at the Gibraltar Strait. Publication was limited during World War I, especially regarding ideas that encouraged European forces to unite in construction. The basic idea for this project included an enormous dam capable of providing its own power and a 400 ft high tower designed by supporting architect Peter Behrens.

In regards to the specifics of the project, Atlantropa would involve the closure of the Strait of Gibraltar and reduce the Mediterranean Sea by 30 percent. In addition to promoting economic and social integration, the dam would generate hydroelectricity from the 88 cubic meters of water shooting through each second. Through evaporation and the break from the Atlantic Ocean, 3.5 million square kilometers of land would be created as the water level of the Mediterranean drops by 100 meters. It would have a significant effect on the surrounding seaport communities, preventing port operations after a 30 meter decrease. The diagrams below make comparisons based on the new land created and the water displacement.

Water displacement would not only affect surrounding Mediterranean cities, such as Genova, but also cities and communities around the world. The water displaced from the Mediterranean Sea would cause the water to rise 1 meter around the rest of world. Water is a powerful force with the strength to destoy development or completely wipe away land, just as it is being created. The photos below illustrate the possibilities for a port of Genova as well as the effects of water deplacement either to or from region. Who can benefit from reclamation land or even reclamation present structure? To what extent is the displacement of water powerful? How might displacement develop into a Mega Structure?

History of Gibraltar Strait Dam


rael said...

interesting project jill. reminds me of this project:

maybe you can link to it in your post. in general a good post. i would recommend including more links to topics and items you mention in the text. also, i would love to see a map of the earth/continent/country that shows the effects of a 1 meter rise in sea elevation, could be catastophic and require a mega collective to counteract.

rael said...

you ask interesting questions:

Who can benefit from reclamation land or even reclamation present structure? To what extent is the displacement of water powerful? How might displacement develop into a Mega Structure?

can you answer these graphically?