Tuesday, October 03, 2006

studio culture

The SUMO is definitely a success! It worked great to give us a means of easily communicating with the professor. The one on one conferences went well using Vyew. I still have a few things to figure out with the program but overall it is extremely easy to use and allowed the professor to easily communicate with me. The downside is the lack of knowing what the rest of the studio is working on. It would be great if we could be a part of the critiques or even see what is being critique. Unlike a regular studio, I have little knowledge of what everyone else is working towards.

I'm still struggling to sort through a vast amount of information for my mapping. I have all kinds of research, maps, and suggestions on what to do but am really struggling with what that means right now. The challenge is for a four dimension map at a global scale but most things that I want to map are in too great of a detail for such a map or present a need to be mapped at a greater detail. It is proving to be extremely difficult to map such a vast amount of information on one file. On top of informational difficulties, I have had a lot of trouble working with Illustrator and FormZ and getting the base files into the programs in order to manipulate them. I need a giant computer screen where I can fit the whole globe on it at one time and work with each piece little by little. There's got to be an easier way than to piece each one together.

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